- import TaskLoop from '../task-loop';
- import { FragmentState } from './fragment-tracker';
- import { Bufferable, BufferHelper } from '../utils/buffer-helper';
- import { logger } from '../utils/logger';
- import { Events } from '../events';
- import { ErrorDetails } from '../errors';
- import * as LevelHelper from './level-helper';
- import { ChunkMetadata } from '../types/transmuxer';
- import { appendUint8Array } from '../utils/mp4-tools';
- import { alignStream } from '../utils/discontinuities';
- import {
- findFragmentByPDT,
- findFragmentByPTS,
- findFragWithCC,
- } from './fragment-finders';
- import TransmuxerInterface from '../demux/transmuxer-interface';
- import { Fragment, Part } from '../loader/fragment';
- import FragmentLoader, {
- FragmentLoadProgressCallback,
- LoadError,
- } from '../loader/fragment-loader';
- import { LevelDetails } from '../loader/level-details';
- import {
- BufferAppendingData,
- ErrorData,
- FragLoadedData,
- PartsLoadedData,
- KeyLoadedData,
- MediaAttachingData,
- BufferFlushingData,
- } from '../types/events';
- import Decrypter from '../crypt/decrypter';
- import TimeRanges from '../utils/time-ranges';
- import { PlaylistLevelType } from '../types/loader';
- import type { FragmentTracker } from './fragment-tracker';
- import type { Level } from '../types/level';
- import type { RemuxedTrack } from '../types/remuxer';
- import type Hls from '../hls';
- import type { HlsConfig } from '../config';
- import type { HlsEventEmitter } from '../events';
- import type { NetworkComponentAPI } from '../types/component-api';
- import type { SourceBufferName } from '../types/buffer';
- export const State = {
- };
- export default class BaseStreamController
- extends TaskLoop
- implements NetworkComponentAPI {
- protected hls: Hls;
- protected fragPrevious: Fragment | null = null;
- protected fragCurrent: Fragment | null = null;
- protected fragmentTracker: FragmentTracker;
- protected transmuxer: TransmuxerInterface | null = null;
- protected _state: string = State.STOPPED;
- protected media?: any;
- protected mediaBuffer?: any;
- protected config: HlsConfig;
- protected lastCurrentTime: number = 0;
- protected nextLoadPosition: number = 0;
- protected startPosition: number = 0;
- protected loadedmetadata: boolean = false;
- protected fragLoadError: number = 0;
- protected retryDate: number = 0;
- protected levels: Array<Level> | null = null;
- protected fragmentLoader!: FragmentLoader;
- protected levelLastLoaded: number | null = null;
- protected startFragRequested: boolean = false;
- protected decrypter: Decrypter;
- protected initPTS: Array<number> = [];
- protected onvseeking: EventListener | null = null;
- protected onvended: EventListener | null = null;
- private readonly logPrefix: string = '';
- protected readonly log: (msg: any) => void;
- protected readonly warn: (msg: any) => void;
- constructor(hls: Hls, fragmentTracker: FragmentTracker, logPrefix: string) {
- super();
- this.logPrefix = logPrefix;
- this.log = logger.log.bind(logger, `${logPrefix}:`);
- this.warn = logger.warn.bind(logger, `${logPrefix}:`);
- this.hls = hls;
- this.fragmentTracker = fragmentTracker;
- this.config = hls.config;
- this.decrypter = new Decrypter(hls as HlsEventEmitter, hls.config);
- hls.on(Events.KEY_LOADED, this.onKeyLoaded, this);
- }
- protected doTick() {
- this.onTickEnd();
- }
- protected onTickEnd() {}
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
- public startLoad(startPosition: number): void {}
- public stopLoad() {
- const frag = this.fragCurrent;
- if (frag) {
- if (frag.loader) {
- frag.loader.abort();
- }
- this.fragmentTracker.removeFragment(frag);
- }
- if (this.transmuxer) {
- this.transmuxer.destroy();
- this.transmuxer = null;
- }
- this.fragCurrent = null;
- this.fragPrevious = null;
- this.clearInterval();
- this.clearNextTick();
- this.state = State.STOPPED;
- }
- protected _streamEnded(bufferInfo, levelDetails) {
- const { fragCurrent, fragmentTracker } = this;
- // we just got done loading the final fragment and there is no other buffered range after ...
- // rationale is that in case there are any buffered ranges after, it means that there are unbuffered portion in between
- // so we should not switch to ENDED in that case, to be able to buffer them
- if (
- ! &&
- fragCurrent &&
- === levelDetails.endSN &&
- !bufferInfo.nextStart
- ) {
- const fragState = fragmentTracker.getState(fragCurrent);
- return (
- fragState === FragmentState.PARTIAL || fragState === FragmentState.OK
- );
- }
- return false;
- }
- protected onMediaAttached(
- event: Events.MEDIA_ATTACHED,
- data: MediaAttachingData
- ) {
- const media = ( = this.mediaBuffer =;
- this.onvseeking = this.onMediaSeeking.bind(this);
- this.onvended = this.onMediaEnded.bind(this);
- media.addEventListener('seeking', this.onvseeking as EventListener);
- media.addEventListener('ended', this.onvended as EventListener);
- const config = this.config;
- if (this.levels && config.autoStartLoad && this.state === State.STOPPED) {
- this.startLoad(config.startPosition);
- }
- }
- protected onMediaDetaching() {
- const media =;
- if (media?.ended) {
- this.log('MSE detaching and video ended, reset startPosition');
- this.startPosition = this.lastCurrentTime = 0;
- }
- // remove video listeners
- if (media) {
- media.removeEventListener('seeking', this.onvseeking);
- media.removeEventListener('ended', this.onvended);
- this.onvseeking = this.onvended = null;
- }
- = this.mediaBuffer = null;
- this.loadedmetadata = false;
- this.fragmentTracker.removeAllFragments();
- this.stopLoad();
- }
- protected onMediaSeeking() {
- const { config, fragCurrent, media, mediaBuffer, state } = this;
- const currentTime = media ? media.currentTime : null;
- const bufferInfo = BufferHelper.bufferInfo(
- mediaBuffer || media,
- currentTime,
- config.maxBufferHole
- );
- this.log(
- `media seeking to ${
- Number.isFinite(currentTime) ? currentTime.toFixed(3) : currentTime
- }, state: ${state}`
- );
- if (state === State.ENDED) {
- // if seeking to unbuffered area, clean up fragPrevious
- if (!bufferInfo.len) {
- this.fragPrevious = null;
- this.fragCurrent = null;
- }
- // switch to IDLE state to check for potential new fragment
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- } else if (fragCurrent && !bufferInfo.len) {
- // check if we are seeking to a unbuffered area AND if frag loading is in progress
- const tolerance = config.maxFragLookUpTolerance;
- const fragStartOffset = fragCurrent.start - tolerance;
- const fragEndOffset =
- fragCurrent.start + fragCurrent.duration + tolerance;
- // check if the seek position will be out of currently loaded frag range : if out cancel frag load, if in, don't do anything
- if (currentTime < fragStartOffset || currentTime > fragEndOffset) {
- if (fragCurrent.loader) {
- this.log(
- 'seeking outside of buffer while fragment load in progress, cancel fragment load'
- );
- fragCurrent.loader.abort();
- }
- this.fragCurrent = null;
- this.fragPrevious = null;
- // switch to IDLE state to load new fragment
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- }
- }
- if (media) {
- this.lastCurrentTime = currentTime;
- }
- // in case seeking occurs although no media buffered, adjust startPosition and nextLoadPosition to seek target
- if (!this.loadedmetadata) {
- this.nextLoadPosition = this.startPosition = currentTime;
- }
- // tick to speed up processing
- this.tick();
- }
- protected onMediaEnded() {
- // reset startPosition and lastCurrentTime to restart playback @ stream beginning
- this.startPosition = this.lastCurrentTime = 0;
- }
- onKeyLoaded(event: Events.KEY_LOADED, data: KeyLoadedData) {
- if (this.state === State.KEY_LOADING && this.levels) {
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- const levelDetails = this.levels[data.frag.level].details;
- if (levelDetails) {
- this.loadFragment(data.frag, levelDetails, data.frag.start);
- }
- }
- }
- protected onHandlerDestroying() {
- this.stopLoad();
- super.onHandlerDestroying();
- }
- protected onHandlerDestroyed() {
- this.state = State.STOPPED;
-, this.onKeyLoaded, this);
- super.onHandlerDestroyed();
- }
- protected loadFragment(
- frag: Fragment,
- levelDetails: LevelDetails,
- targetBufferTime: number
- ) {
- this._loadFragForPlayback(frag, levelDetails, targetBufferTime);
- }
- private _loadFragForPlayback(
- frag: Fragment,
- levelDetails: LevelDetails,
- targetBufferTime: number
- ) {
- const progressCallback: FragmentLoadProgressCallback = (
- data: FragLoadedData
- ) => {
- if (this.fragContextChanged(frag)) {
- this.warn(
- `Fragment ${}${
- data.part ? ' p: ' + data.part.index : ''
- } of level ${frag.level} was dropped during download.`
- );
- this.fragmentTracker.removeFragment(frag);
- return;
- }
- frag.stats.chunkCount++;
- this._handleFragmentLoadProgress(data);
- };
- this._doFragLoad(frag, levelDetails, targetBufferTime, progressCallback)
- .then((data) => {
- if (!data) {
- // if we're here we probably needed to backtrack or are waiting for more parts
- return;
- }
- this.fragLoadError = 0;
- if (this.fragContextChanged(frag)) {
- if (
- this.state === State.FRAG_LOADING ||
- this.state === State.BACKTRACKING
- ) {
- this.fragmentTracker.removeFragment(frag);
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- }
- return;
- }
- if ('payload' in data) {
- this.log(`Loaded fragment ${} of level ${frag.level}`);
- this.hls.trigger(Events.FRAG_LOADED, data);
- // Tracker backtrack must be called after onFragLoaded to update the fragment entity state to BACKTRACKED
- // This happens after handleTransmuxComplete when the worker or progressive is disabled
- if (this.state === State.BACKTRACKING) {
- this.fragmentTracker.backtrack(frag, data);
- this.resetFragmentLoading(frag);
- return;
- }
- }
- // Pass through the whole payload; controllers not implementing progressive loading receive data from this callback
- this._handleFragmentLoadComplete(data);
- })
- .catch((reason) => {
- this.warn(reason);
- this.resetFragmentLoading(frag);
- });
- }
- protected flushMainBuffer(
- startOffset: number,
- endOffset: number,
- type: SourceBufferName | null = null
- ) {
- // When alternate audio is playing, the audio-stream-controller is responsible for the audio buffer. Otherwise,
- // passing a null type flushes both buffers
- const flushScope: BufferFlushingData = { startOffset, endOffset, type };
- // Reset load errors on flush
- this.fragLoadError = 0;
- this.hls.trigger(Events.BUFFER_FLUSHING, flushScope);
- }
- protected _loadInitSegment(frag: Fragment) {
- this._doFragLoad(frag)
- .then((data) => {
- if (!data || this.fragContextChanged(frag) || !this.levels) {
- throw new Error('init load aborted');
- }
- return data;
- })
- .then((data: FragLoadedData) => {
- const { hls } = this;
- const { payload } = data;
- const decryptData = frag.decryptdata;
- // check to see if the payload needs to be decrypted
- if (
- payload &&
- payload.byteLength > 0 &&
- decryptData &&
- decryptData.key &&
- decryptData.iv &&
- decryptData.method === 'AES-128'
- ) {
- const startTime =;
- // decrypt the subtitles
- return this.decrypter
- .webCryptoDecrypt(
- new Uint8Array(payload),
- decryptData.key.buffer,
- decryptData.iv.buffer
- )
- .then((decryptedData) => {
- const endTime =;
- hls.trigger(Events.FRAG_DECRYPTED, {
- frag,
- payload: decryptedData,
- stats: {
- tstart: startTime,
- tdecrypt: endTime,
- },
- });
- data.payload = decryptedData;
- return data;
- });
- }
- return data;
- })
- .then((data: FragLoadedData) => {
- const { fragCurrent, hls, levels } = this;
- if (!levels) {
- throw new Error('init load aborted, missing levels');
- }
- const details = levels[frag.level].details as LevelDetails;
- console.assert(
- details,
- 'Level details are defined when init segment is loaded'
- );
- const initSegment = details.initSegment as Fragment;
- console.assert(
- initSegment,
- 'Fragment initSegment is defined when init segment is loaded'
- );
- const stats = frag.stats;
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- this.fragLoadError = 0;
- = new Uint8Array(data.payload);
- stats.parsing.start = stats.buffering.start =;
- stats.parsing.end = stats.buffering.end =;
- // Silence FRAG_BUFFERED event if fragCurrent is null
- if (data.frag === fragCurrent) {
- hls.trigger(Events.FRAG_BUFFERED, {
- stats,
- frag: fragCurrent,
- part: null,
- id: frag.type,
- });
- }
- this.tick();
- })
- .catch((reason) => {
- this.warn(reason);
- this.resetFragmentLoading(frag);
- });
- }
- protected fragContextChanged(frag: Fragment | null) {
- const { fragCurrent } = this;
- return (
- !frag ||
- !fragCurrent ||
- frag.level !== fragCurrent.level ||
- !== ||
- frag.urlId !== fragCurrent.urlId
- );
- }
- protected fragBufferedComplete(frag: Fragment, part: Part | null) {
- const media = this.mediaBuffer ? this.mediaBuffer :;
- this.log(
- `Buffered ${frag.type} sn: ${}${
- part ? ' part: ' + part.index : ''
- } of ${this.logPrefix === '[stream-controller]' ? 'level' : 'track'} ${
- frag.level
- } ${TimeRanges.toString(BufferHelper.getBuffered(media))}`
- );
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- this.tick();
- }
- protected _handleFragmentLoadComplete(fragLoadedEndData: PartsLoadedData) {
- const { transmuxer } = this;
- if (!transmuxer) {
- return;
- }
- const { frag, part, partsLoaded } = fragLoadedEndData;
- // If we did not load parts, or loaded all parts, we have complete (not partial) fragment data
- const complete =
- !partsLoaded ||
- (partsLoaded &&
- (partsLoaded.length === 0 ||
- partsLoaded.some((fragLoaded) => !fragLoaded)));
- const chunkMeta = new ChunkMetadata(
- frag.level,
- as number,
- frag.stats.chunkCount + 1,
- 0,
- part ? part.index : -1,
- !complete
- );
- transmuxer.flush(chunkMeta);
- }
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
- protected _handleFragmentLoadProgress(frag: FragLoadedData) {}
- protected _doFragLoad(
- frag: Fragment,
- details?: LevelDetails,
- targetBufferTime: number | null = null,
- progressCallback?: FragmentLoadProgressCallback
- ): Promise<PartsLoadedData | FragLoadedData | null> {
- if (!this.levels) {
- throw new Error('frag load aborted, missing levels');
- }
- targetBufferTime = Math.max(frag.start, targetBufferTime || 0);
- if (this.config.lowLatencyMode && details) {
- const partList = details.partList;
- if (partList && progressCallback) {
- const partIndex = this.getNextPart(partList, frag, targetBufferTime);
- if (partIndex > -1) {
- const part = partList[partIndex];
- this.log(
- `Loading part sn: ${} p: ${part.index} cc: ${
- } of playlist [${details.startSN}-${
- details.endSN
- }] parts [0-${partIndex}-${partList.length - 1}] ${
- this.logPrefix === '[stream-controller]' ? 'level' : 'track'
- }: ${frag.level}, target: ${parseFloat(
- targetBufferTime.toFixed(3)
- )}`
- );
- this.state = State.FRAG_LOADING;
- this.hls.trigger(Events.FRAG_LOADING, {
- frag,
- part: partList[partIndex],
- targetBufferTime,
- });
- return this.doFragPartsLoad(
- frag,
- partList,
- partIndex,
- progressCallback
- ).catch((error: LoadError) => this.handleFragLoadError(error));
- } else if (
- !frag.url ||
- this.loadedEndOfParts(partList, targetBufferTime)
- ) {
- // Fragment hint has no parts
- return Promise.resolve(null);
- }
- }
- }
- this.log(
- `Loading fragment ${} cc: ${} ${
- details ? 'of [' + details.startSN + '-' + details.endSN + '] ' : ''
- }${this.logPrefix === '[stream-controller]' ? 'level' : 'track'}: ${
- frag.level
- }, target: ${parseFloat(targetBufferTime.toFixed(3))}`
- );
- this.state = State.FRAG_LOADING;
- this.hls.trigger(Events.FRAG_LOADING, { frag, targetBufferTime });
- return this.fragmentLoader
- .load(frag, progressCallback)
- .catch((error: LoadError) => this.handleFragLoadError(error));
- }
- private doFragPartsLoad(
- frag: Fragment,
- partList: Part[],
- partIndex: number,
- progressCallback: FragmentLoadProgressCallback
- ): Promise<PartsLoadedData | null> {
- return new Promise(
- (resolve: (FragLoadedEndData) => void, reject: (LoadError) => void) => {
- const partsLoaded: FragLoadedData[] = [];
- const loadPartIndex = (index: number) => {
- const part = partList[index];
- this.fragmentLoader
- .loadPart(frag, part, progressCallback)
- .then((partLoadedData: FragLoadedData) => {
- partsLoaded[part.index] = partLoadedData;
- const loadedPart = partLoadedData.part as Part;
- this.hls.trigger(Events.FRAG_LOADED, partLoadedData);
- const nextPart = partList[index + 1];
- if (nextPart && nextPart.fragment === frag) {
- loadPartIndex(index + 1);
- } else {
- return resolve({
- frag,
- part: loadedPart,
- partsLoaded,
- });
- }
- })
- .catch(reject);
- };
- loadPartIndex(partIndex);
- }
- );
- }
- private handleFragLoadError({ data }: LoadError) {
- if (data && data.details === ErrorDetails.INTERNAL_ABORTED) {
- this.handleFragLoadAborted(data.frag, data.part);
- } else {
- this.hls.trigger(Events.ERROR, data as ErrorData);
- }
- return null;
- }
- protected _handleTransmuxerFlush(chunkMeta: ChunkMetadata) {
- const context = this.getCurrentContext(chunkMeta);
- if (!context || this.state !== State.PARSING) {
- if (!this.fragCurrent) {
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- }
- return;
- }
- const { frag, part, level } = context;
- const now =;
- frag.stats.parsing.end = now;
- if (part) {
- part.stats.parsing.end = now;
- }
- this.updateLevelTiming(frag, part, level, chunkMeta.partial);
- }
- protected getCurrentContext(
- chunkMeta: ChunkMetadata
- ): { frag: Fragment; part: Part | null; level: Level } | null {
- const { levels } = this;
- const { level: levelIndex, sn, part: partIndex } = chunkMeta;
- if (!levels || !levels[levelIndex]) {
- this.warn(
- `Levels object was unset while buffering fragment ${sn} of level ${levelIndex}. The current chunk will not be buffered.`
- );
- return null;
- }
- const level = levels[levelIndex];
- const part =
- partIndex > -1 ? LevelHelper.getPartWith(level, sn, partIndex) : null;
- const frag = part
- ? part.fragment
- : LevelHelper.getFragmentWithSN(level, sn);
- if (!frag) {
- return null;
- }
- return { frag, part, level };
- }
- protected bufferFragmentData(
- data: RemuxedTrack,
- frag: Fragment,
- part: Part | null,
- chunkMeta: ChunkMetadata
- ) {
- if (!data || this.state !== State.PARSING) {
- return;
- }
- const { data1, data2 } = data;
- let buffer = data1;
- if (data1 && data2) {
- // Combine the moof + mdat so that we buffer with a single append
- buffer = appendUint8Array(data1, data2);
- }
- if (!buffer || !buffer.length) {
- return;
- }
- const segment: BufferAppendingData = {
- type: data.type,
- frag,
- part,
- chunkMeta,
- parent: frag.type,
- data: buffer,
- };
- this.hls.trigger(Events.BUFFER_APPENDING, segment);
- if (data.dropped && data.independent && !part) {
- // Clear buffer so that we reload previous segments sequentially if required
- this.flushBufferGap(frag);
- }
- }
- protected flushBufferGap(frag: Fragment) {
- const media =;
- if (!media) {
- return;
- }
- // If currentTime is not buffered, clear the back buffer so that we can backtrack as much as needed
- if (!BufferHelper.isBuffered(media, media.currentTime)) {
- this.flushMainBuffer(0, frag.start);
- return;
- }
- // Remove back-buffer without interrupting playback to allow back tracking
- const currentTime = media.currentTime;
- const bufferInfo = BufferHelper.bufferInfo(media, currentTime, 0);
- const fragDuration = frag.duration;
- const segmentFraction = Math.min(
- this.config.maxFragLookUpTolerance * 2,
- fragDuration * 0.25
- );
- const start = Math.max(
- Math.min(frag.start - segmentFraction, bufferInfo.end - segmentFraction),
- currentTime + segmentFraction
- );
- if (frag.start - start > segmentFraction) {
- this.flushMainBuffer(start, frag.start);
- }
- }
- protected reduceMaxBufferLength(threshold?: number) {
- const config = this.config;
- const minLength = threshold || config.maxBufferLength;
- if (config.maxMaxBufferLength >= minLength) {
- // reduce max buffer length as it might be too high. we do this to avoid loop flushing ...
- config.maxMaxBufferLength /= 2;
- this.warn(`Reduce max buffer length to ${config.maxMaxBufferLength}s`);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- protected getNextFragment(
- pos: number,
- levelDetails: LevelDetails
- ): Fragment | null {
- const fragments = levelDetails.fragments;
- const fragLen = fragments.length;
- if (!fragLen) {
- return null;
- }
- // find fragment index, contiguous with end of buffer position
- const { config } = this;
- const start = fragments[0].start;
- let frag;
- // If an initSegment is present, it must be buffered first
- if (levelDetails.initSegment && ! {
- frag = levelDetails.initSegment;
- } else if ( {
- const initialLiveManifestSize = config.initialLiveManifestSize;
- if (fragLen < initialLiveManifestSize) {
- this.warn(
- `Not enough fragments to start playback (have: ${fragLen}, need: ${initialLiveManifestSize})`
- );
- return null;
- }
- // The real fragment start times for a live stream are only known after the PTS range for that level is known.
- // In order to discover the range, we load the best matching fragment for that level and demux it.
- // Do not load using live logic if the starting frag is requested - we want to use getFragmentAtPosition() so that
- // we get the fragment matching that start time
- if (!levelDetails.PTSKnown && !this.startFragRequested) {
- frag = this.getInitialLiveFragment(levelDetails, fragments);
- }
- } else if (pos <= start) {
- // VoD playlist: if loadPosition before start of playlist, load first fragment
- frag = fragments[0];
- }
- // If we haven't run into any special cases already, just load the fragment most closely matching the requested position
- if (!frag) {
- const end = config.lowLatencyMode
- ? levelDetails.partEnd
- : levelDetails.fragmentEnd;
- frag = this.getFragmentAtPosition(pos, end, levelDetails);
- }
- return frag;
- }
- getNextPart(
- partList: Part[],
- frag: Fragment,
- targetBufferTime: number
- ): number {
- let nextPart = -1;
- let contiguous = false;
- for (let i = 0, len = partList.length; i < len; i++) {
- const part = partList[i];
- if (nextPart > -1 && targetBufferTime < part.start) {
- break;
- }
- const loaded = part.loaded;
- if (
- !loaded &&
- (contiguous || part.independent) &&
- part.fragment === frag
- ) {
- nextPart = i;
- }
- contiguous = loaded;
- }
- return nextPart;
- }
- private loadedEndOfParts(
- partList: Part[],
- targetBufferTime: number
- ): boolean {
- const lastPart = partList[partList.length - 1];
- return lastPart && targetBufferTime > lastPart.start && lastPart.loaded;
- }
- /*
- This method is used find the best matching first fragment for a live playlist. This fragment is used to calculate the
- "sliding" of the playlist, which is its offset from the start of playback. After sliding we can compute the real
- start and end times for each fragment in the playlist (after which this method will not need to be called).
- */
- protected getInitialLiveFragment(
- levelDetails: LevelDetails,
- fragments: Array<Fragment>
- ): Fragment | null {
- const fragPrevious = this.fragPrevious;
- let frag: Fragment | null = null;
- if (fragPrevious) {
- if (levelDetails.hasProgramDateTime) {
- // Prefer using PDT, because it can be accurate enough to choose the correct fragment without knowing the level sliding
- this.log(
- `Live playlist, switching playlist, load frag with same PDT: ${fragPrevious.programDateTime}`
- );
- frag = findFragmentByPDT(
- fragments,
- fragPrevious.endProgramDateTime,
- this.config.maxFragLookUpTolerance
- );
- }
- if (!frag) {
- // SN does not need to be accurate between renditions, but depending on the packaging it may be so.
- const targetSN = ( as number) + 1;
- if (
- targetSN >= levelDetails.startSN &&
- targetSN <= levelDetails.endSN
- ) {
- const fragNext = fragments[targetSN - levelDetails.startSN];
- // Ensure that we're staying within the continuity range, since PTS resets upon a new range
- if ( === {
- frag = fragNext;
- this.log(
- `Live playlist, switching playlist, load frag with next SN: ${
- frag!.sn
- }`
- );
- }
- }
- // It's important to stay within the continuity range if available; otherwise the fragments in the playlist
- // will have the wrong start times
- if (!frag) {
- frag = findFragWithCC(fragments,;
- if (frag) {
- this.log(
- `Live playlist, switching playlist, load frag with same CC: ${}`
- );
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- // Find a new start fragment when fragPrevious is null
- const liveStart = this.hls.liveSyncPosition;
- if (liveStart !== null) {
- frag = this.getFragmentAtPosition(
- liveStart,
- levelDetails.edge,
- levelDetails
- );
- }
- }
- return frag;
- }
- /*
- This method finds the best matching fragment given the provided position.
- */
- protected getFragmentAtPosition(
- bufferEnd: number,
- end: number,
- levelDetails: LevelDetails
- ): Fragment | null {
- const { config, fragPrevious } = this;
- let { fragments, endSN } = levelDetails;
- const { fragmentHint } = levelDetails;
- const tolerance = config.maxFragLookUpTolerance;
- const loadingParts = !!(
- config.lowLatencyMode &&
- levelDetails.partList &&
- fragmentHint
- );
- if (loadingParts && fragmentHint) {
- // Include incomplete fragment with parts at end
- fragments = fragments.concat(fragmentHint);
- endSN = as number;
- }
- let frag;
- if (bufferEnd < end) {
- const lookupTolerance = bufferEnd > end - tolerance ? 0 : tolerance;
- // Remove the tolerance if it would put the bufferEnd past the actual end of stream
- // Uses buffer and sequence number to calculate switch segment (required if using EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY-SEQUENCE)
- frag = findFragmentByPTS(
- fragPrevious,
- fragments,
- bufferEnd,
- lookupTolerance
- );
- } else {
- // reach end of playlist
- frag = fragments[fragments.length - 1];
- }
- if (frag) {
- const curSNIdx = - levelDetails.startSN;
- const sameLevel = fragPrevious && frag.level === fragPrevious.level;
- const nextFrag = fragments[curSNIdx + 1];
- const fragState = this.fragmentTracker.getState(frag);
- if (fragState === FragmentState.BACKTRACKED) {
- frag = null;
- let i = curSNIdx;
- while (
- fragments[i] &&
- this.fragmentTracker.getState(fragments[i]) ===
- FragmentState.BACKTRACKED
- ) {
- // When fragPrevious is null, backtrack to first the first fragment is not BACKTRACKED for loading
- // When fragPrevious is set, we want the first BACKTRACKED fragment for parsing and buffering
- if (!fragPrevious) {
- frag = fragments[--i];
- } else {
- frag = fragments[i--];
- }
- }
- if (!frag) {
- frag = nextFrag;
- }
- } else if (fragPrevious && === && !loadingParts) {
- // Force the next fragment to load if the previous one was already selected. This can occasionally happen with
- // non-uniform fragment durations
- if (sameLevel) {
- if (
- < endSN &&
- this.fragmentTracker.getState(nextFrag) !== FragmentState.OK
- ) {
- this.log(
- `SN ${} just loaded, load next one: ${}`
- );
- frag = nextFrag;
- } else {
- frag = null;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return frag;
- }
- protected synchronizeToLiveEdge(levelDetails: LevelDetails) {
- const { config, media } = this;
- if (!media) {
- return;
- }
- const liveSyncPosition = this.hls.liveSyncPosition;
- const currentTime = media.currentTime;
- if (
- liveSyncPosition !== null &&
- media.duration > liveSyncPosition &&
- liveSyncPosition > currentTime
- ) {
- const maxLatency =
- config.liveMaxLatencyDuration !== undefined
- ? config.liveMaxLatencyDuration
- : config.liveMaxLatencyDurationCount * levelDetails.targetduration;
- const start = levelDetails.fragments[0].start;
- const end = levelDetails.edge;
- if (
- currentTime <
- Math.max(start - config.maxFragLookUpTolerance, end - maxLatency)
- ) {
- if (!this.loadedmetadata) {
- this.nextLoadPosition = liveSyncPosition;
- }
- if (media.readyState) {
- this.warn(
- `Playback: ${currentTime.toFixed(
- 3
- )} is located too far from the end of live sliding playlist: ${end}, reset currentTime to : ${liveSyncPosition.toFixed(
- 3
- )}`
- );
- media.currentTime = liveSyncPosition;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- protected alignPlaylists(
- details: LevelDetails,
- previousDetails?: LevelDetails
- ): number {
- const { levels, levelLastLoaded } = this;
- const lastLevel: Level | null =
- levelLastLoaded !== null ? levels![levelLastLoaded] : null;
- // FIXME: If not for `shouldAlignOnDiscontinuities` requiring,
- // this could all go in LevelHelper.mergeDetails
- let sliding = 0;
- if (previousDetails && details.fragments.length > 0) {
- sliding = details.fragments[0].start;
- if (details.alignedSliding && Number.isFinite(sliding)) {
- this.log(`Live playlist sliding:${sliding.toFixed(3)}`);
- } else if (!sliding) {
- this.warn(
- `[${}] Live playlist - outdated PTS, unknown sliding`
- );
- alignStream(this.fragPrevious, lastLevel, details);
- }
- } else {
- this.log('Live playlist - first load, unknown sliding');
- alignStream(this.fragPrevious, lastLevel, details);
- }
- return sliding;
- }
- protected waitForCdnTuneIn(details: LevelDetails) {
- // Wait for Low-Latency CDN Tune-in to get an updated playlist
- const advancePartLimit = 3;
- return (
- &&
- details.canBlockReload &&
- details.tuneInGoal >
- Math.max(details.partHoldBack, details.partTarget * advancePartLimit)
- );
- }
- protected setStartPosition(details: LevelDetails, sliding: number) {
- // compute start position if set to -1. use it straight away if value is defined
- if (this.startPosition === -1 || this.lastCurrentTime === -1) {
- // first, check if start time offset has been set in playlist, if yes, use this value
- let startTimeOffset = details.startTimeOffset!;
- if (Number.isFinite(startTimeOffset)) {
- if (startTimeOffset < 0) {
- this.log(
- `Negative start time offset ${startTimeOffset}, count from end of last fragment`
- );
- startTimeOffset = sliding + details.totalduration + startTimeOffset;
- }
- this.log(
- `Start time offset found in playlist, adjust startPosition to ${startTimeOffset}`
- );
- this.startPosition = startTimeOffset;
- } else {
- if ( {
- this.startPosition = this.hls.liveSyncPosition || sliding;
- this.log(`Configure startPosition to ${this.startPosition}`);
- } else {
- this.startPosition = 0;
- }
- }
- this.lastCurrentTime = this.startPosition;
- }
- this.nextLoadPosition = this.startPosition;
- }
- protected getLoadPosition(): number {
- const { media } = this;
- // if we have not yet loaded any fragment, start loading from start position
- let pos = 0;
- if (this.loadedmetadata) {
- pos = media.currentTime;
- } else if (this.nextLoadPosition) {
- pos = this.nextLoadPosition;
- }
- return pos;
- }
- private handleFragLoadAborted(frag: Fragment, part: Part | undefined) {
- if (this.transmuxer && !== 'initSegment') {
- this.warn(
- `Fragment ${}${part ? ' part' + part.index : ''} of level ${
- frag.level
- } was aborted`
- );
- this.resetFragmentLoading(frag);
- }
- }
- protected resetFragmentLoading(frag: Fragment) {
- if (!this.fragCurrent || !this.fragContextChanged(frag)) {
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- }
- }
- protected onFragmentOrKeyLoadError(
- filterType: PlaylistLevelType,
- data: ErrorData
- ) {
- if (data.fatal) {
- return;
- }
- const frag = data.frag;
- // Handle frag error related to caller's filterType
- if (!frag || frag.type !== filterType) {
- return;
- }
- const fragCurrent = this.fragCurrent;
- console.assert(
- fragCurrent &&
- === &&
- frag.level === fragCurrent.level &&
- frag.urlId === fragCurrent.urlId,
- 'Frag load error must match current frag to retry'
- );
- const config = this.config;
- // keep retrying until the limit will be reached
- if (this.fragLoadError + 1 <= config.fragLoadingMaxRetry) {
- if (this.resetLiveStartWhenNotLoaded(frag.level)) {
- return;
- }
- // exponential backoff capped to config.fragLoadingMaxRetryTimeout
- const delay = Math.min(
- Math.pow(2, this.fragLoadError) * config.fragLoadingRetryDelay,
- config.fragLoadingMaxRetryTimeout
- );
- this.warn(
- `Fragment ${} of ${filterType} ${frag.level} failed to load, retrying in ${delay}ms`
- );
- this.retryDate = + delay;
- this.fragLoadError++;
- this.state = State.FRAG_LOADING_WAITING_RETRY;
- } else if (data.levelRetry) {
- if (filterType === PlaylistLevelType.AUDIO) {
- // Reset current fragment since audio track audio is essential and may not have a fail-over track
- this.fragCurrent = null;
- }
- // Fragment errors that result in a level switch or redundant fail-over
- // should reset the stream controller state to idle
- this.fragLoadError = 0;
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- } else {
- logger.error(
- `${data.details} reaches max retry, redispatch as fatal ...`
- );
- // switch error to fatal
- data.fatal = true;
- this.hls.stopLoad();
- this.state = State.ERROR;
- }
- }
- protected afterBufferFlushed(media: Bufferable, type: SourceBufferName) {
- if (!media) {
- return;
- }
- // After successful buffer flushing, filter flushed fragments from bufferedFrags use mediaBuffered instead of media
- // (so that we will check against video.buffered ranges in case of alt audio track)
- const bufferedTimeRanges = BufferHelper.getBuffered(media);
- this.fragmentTracker.detectEvictedFragments(type, bufferedTimeRanges);
- }
- protected resetLiveStartWhenNotLoaded(level: number): boolean {
- // if loadedmetadata is not set, it means that we are emergency switch down on first frag
- // in that case, reset startFragRequested flag
- if (!this.loadedmetadata) {
- this.startFragRequested = false;
- const details = this.levels ? this.levels[level].details : null;
- if (details?.live) {
- // We can't afford to retry after a delay in a live scenario. Update the start position and return to IDLE.
- this.startPosition = -1;
- this.setStartPosition(details, 0);
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- return true;
- }
- this.nextLoadPosition = this.startPosition;
- }
- return false;
- }
- private updateLevelTiming(
- frag: Fragment,
- part: Part | null,
- level: Level,
- partial: boolean
- ) {
- const details = level.details as LevelDetails;
- console.assert(!!details, 'level.details must be defined');
- const parsed = Object.keys(frag.elementaryStreams).reduce(
- (result, type) => {
- const info = frag.elementaryStreams[type];
- if (info) {
- const parsedDuration = info.endPTS - info.startPTS;
- if (parsedDuration <= 0) {
- // Destroy the transmuxer after it's next time offset failed to advance because duration was <= 0.
- // The new transmuxer will be configured with a time offset matching the next fragment start,
- // preventing the timeline from shifting.
- this.warn(
- `Could not parse fragment ${} ${type} duration reliably (${parsedDuration}) resetting transmuxer to fallback to playlist timing`
- );
- if (this.transmuxer) {
- this.transmuxer.destroy();
- this.transmuxer = null;
- }
- return result || false;
- }
- const drift = partial
- ? 0
- : LevelHelper.updateFragPTSDTS(
- details,
- frag,
- info.startPTS,
- info.endPTS,
- info.startDTS,
- info.endDTS
- );
- this.hls.trigger(Events.LEVEL_PTS_UPDATED, {
- details,
- level,
- drift,
- type,
- frag,
- start: info.startPTS,
- end: info.endPTS,
- });
- return true;
- }
- return result;
- },
- false
- );
- if (parsed) {
- this.state = State.PARSED;
- this.hls.trigger(Events.FRAG_PARSED, { frag, part });
- } else {
- this.fragCurrent = null;
- this.fragPrevious = null;
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- }
- }
- set state(nextState) {
- const previousState = this._state;
- if (previousState !== nextState) {
- this._state = nextState;
- this.log(`${previousState}->${nextState}`);
- }
- }
- get state() {
- return this._state;
- }
- }