- interface ILogFunction {
- (message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
- }
- interface ILogger {
- trace: ILogFunction;
- debug: ILogFunction;
- log: ILogFunction;
- warn: ILogFunction;
- info: ILogFunction;
- error: ILogFunction;
- }
- const noop: ILogFunction = function () {};
- const fakeLogger: ILogger = {
- trace: noop,
- debug: noop,
- log: noop,
- warn: noop,
- info: noop,
- error: noop,
- };
- let exportedLogger: ILogger = fakeLogger;
- // let lastCallTime;
- // function formatMsgWithTimeInfo(type, msg) {
- // const now =;
- // const diff = lastCallTime ? '+' + (now - lastCallTime) : '0';
- // lastCallTime = now;
- // msg = (new Date(now)).toISOString() + ' | [' + type + '] > ' + msg + ' ( ' + diff + ' ms )';
- // return msg;
- // }
- function consolePrintFn(type: string): ILogFunction {
- const func: ILogFunction = self.console[type];
- if (func) {
- return func.bind(self.console, `[${type}] >`);
- }
- return noop;
- }
- function exportLoggerFunctions(
- debugConfig: boolean | ILogger,
- ...functions: string[]
- ): void {
- functions.forEach(function (type) {
- exportedLogger[type] = debugConfig[type]
- ? debugConfig[type].bind(debugConfig)
- : consolePrintFn(type);
- });
- }
- export function enableLogs(debugConfig: boolean | ILogger): void {
- // check that console is available
- if (
- (self.console && debugConfig === true) ||
- typeof debugConfig === 'object'
- ) {
- exportLoggerFunctions(
- debugConfig,
- // Remove out from list here to hard-disable a log-level
- // 'trace',
- 'debug',
- 'log',
- 'info',
- 'warn',
- 'error'
- );
- // Some browsers don't allow to use bind on console object anyway
- // fallback to default if needed
- try {
- exportedLogger.log();
- } catch (e) {
- exportedLogger = fakeLogger;
- }
- } else {
- exportedLogger = fakeLogger;
- }
- }
- export const logger: ILogger = exportedLogger;